Natural Science Drawing Project Rubric                   Name:____________________________________________ Submission date _______

Complete student section below, attach to project, and submit for grading


Project # _____ Common Name_________________________ Scientific Name __________________________________________________


Native habitat ________________________________Current range of species____________________________________________________


Foods__________________________Predators __________________________Endangered? ______Why?____________________________


Interesting Fact/s ______________________________________________________________________________________________________



Hours of drawing from observation of specimen ________     from original photographs _________     from appropriated sources ________


Visual Research

Each project must have a minimum of 3 visual research images attached.


  1. Artwork by another artist who has drawn, painted, or illustrated the species you have chosen is attached. ___________

(Write name of artist on photocopy. Related species may be substituted if no other artists have illustrated this species)

  1. Original photographs or scans attached _____________
  2. Appropriated visual references are attached _____________   sources are cited__________________________________________________
  3. If Biological Illustration, then proof of proper identification from visual image with scientific name attached   _________________________

(source must be cited) OR,   Identified with tag from biology collection _______   OR, Identified by Biology Professor________________


———————————————————To be completed by Professor ————————————————————————————


Composition_______ Visual design is Balanced and Unified _______ Visual hierarchy of shapes creates focal point and Emphasis __________

Placement of detailed enlargements or dissections is appropriate _______    Compositional design is too crowded _______   too minimal________


Priniciples of Design: Balance, Harmony, Emphasis, Economy, Rhythm, Repetition, Variety, Unity

Elements of Design: Line, Shape, Form, Space, Value, Color, Texture, Movement / Direction



Accuracy of Observation / Attention to Detail _______      

Proportions are correct __________________________________   Details are carefully and correctly observed ____________________________

More details would add visual interest   ____________________________ Too many details obscure form and visual clarity___________________


Draftsmanship ___________  Drawing is skillfully rendered ___________     Drawing is visually engaging or aesthetically pleasing _________


Value and Form ­_______ Use of Lights and Shadows (Chiaroscuro)   Shadow planes of light and dark enhance illusion of Form _______

Light source is consistent and obvious _____ Illusion of Form in Space is convincing ____ More value contrast would enhance illusion of Form ____


Value and Color _______  Full value range is used_____ Color is accurate _____ Pigments skillfully applied_____ Color adds visual interest ______ Color detracts ______ Background color enhances overall effect________ Background color detracts _______Color obscures Form _______


Markmaking / Illusion of Texture_______ Line weight varies from thick to thin_______

Markmaking creates illusion of form ______ Illusion of texture is convincing ______ Texture obscures Form ________


Media Application _______

Choice of medium is appropriate for subject _____    Pencil, ink, or paint is carefully applied_____ Drawing is neat and clean_____


Application and Accuracy of Scientific Name and /or Common Name ________

Species is properly identified Yes _____   No _____   Uncertain _____

Type font is appropriate _______ type is too large _______ too small______ too complicated________   hard to read   ______

Names are properly placed and centered on the page ______ Names are carefully applied _______ Names are not carefully applied ______


Visual Research _______At least 3 examples are attached Yes _____   No _____     Artist’s example attached: Yes _____   No _____                  

Visual reference for identification is attached Yes ____No ____Original photo / scan Yes _____No _____Sources are cited Yes_____ No _____


Project Grade   __________     A+ = 12,   A = 11,     A- = 10,     B+ = 9,     B = 8,     B- = 7,     C+ = 6,     C = 5,     C- = 4,    D+= 3,  D= 2,   D- =1,   F=0